Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeLATEST NEWSPrior to Trump's appearance, the authorities increase security outside the prison.

Prior to Trump’s appearance, the authorities increase security outside the prison.

Throughout the day, the sheriff’s office increased security outside the Fulton County Jail in anticipation of the former president’s anticipated arrival.Read full article 
Deputies set up fresh barricades across from the jail at around 10:30 a.m. as a small group of counter protestors and a few dozen Trump supporters gathered.
 Additionally blocked down due to traffic was Rice Street, which is close to the jail.
Many of the day was spent by Trump supporters walking around in the stifling heat while donning MAGA caps and holding protest banners against the indictment.
He is being persecuted, claimed Carroll County, Georgia resident Lyle Rayworth. “They tried to remove him twice. They’re currently attempting to indict him four times. They’re attempting to keep him off the ballot.


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