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HomeLATEST NEWSOfficial Jet Not in Custody of Ex-Gov. Udom, Akwa Ibom Government Declares.

Official Jet Not in Custody of Ex-Gov. Udom, Akwa Ibom Government Declares.

According to Mr. Essien Ndueso, Senior Special Assistant to the Akwa Ibom State Governor on Research and Documentation, Udom Emmanuel was not still in control of the state’s official plane as had been reported.continue Reading 

The state governor, Pastor Umo Éno, reportedly came under fire after recently boarding an Ibom Air passenger trip from Uyo to Abuja and going through security screening at the Ibom International Airport.

His critics had asserted that he was forced to fly on Ibom Air because Mr. Udom Emmanuel, the departing governor, was still utilizing the official private plane of the office.

Official Jet Not in Custody of Ex-Gov. Udom, Akwa Ibom Government Declares.

According to Mr. Essien Ndueso, Senior Special Assistant to the Akwa Ibom State Governor on Research and Documentation, Udom Emmanuel was not still in control of the state’s official plane as had been reported.

The state governor, Pastor Umo Éno, reportedly came under fire after recently boarding an Ibom Air passenger trip from Uyo to Abuja and going through security screening at the Ibom International Airport.

His critics had asserted that he was forced to fly on Ibom Air because Mr. Udom Emmanuel, the departing governor, was still utilizing the official private plane of the office.

The governor has stated to his constituents that he prefers to appoint those who have the potential to offer value to his government over those who would simply carry his phones and umbrella around.

Even at the airport, you could see him putting himself through meticulous inspections and other security measures, and he does this because he wants to set an example for others. Such deeds should not be misconstrued, but rather recognized as deeds that strengthen his ties to his people, Nduese stated.

The accusation was described as a baseless “beer parlour gist” by the governor’s adviser, who also expressed regret that his principal’s good intentions in having first-hand experience with the state airline were misunderstood. He advised the people to ignore such accusations because they were completely untrue.

The speaker even went so far as to remark during the state discussion that only one leader could be in charge of the state at any given time—Governor Eno—claiming that the previous governor’s immediate superior and former boss, Emmanuel, had not been oppressive toward his successor.

Remember that it was Mr. Udom Emmanuel who urged everyone to support the governor as the new state’s leader? Others would visit the Government House frequently or even stay there, but the recently-resigned governor kept his word by going back to his private practice, giving the current governor free rein to conduct government affairs, the speaker said.



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