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Ahead of drills between South Korea and the US, Kim Jong Un of North Korea demands a major increase in the manufacture of missiles.

On Monday, August 14, as South Korea and the United States prepared for annual military drills, North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un, called for an increase in missile manufacturing to help secure “overwhelming military power” and be ready for war.continue reading
On Friday and Saturday, Kim visited important munitions factories where tactical missiles, missile launchers, armoured vehicles, and artillery shells are produced.
As he increases his visits to armaments companies, his weekend field inspection was the most recent in recent days.
Pyongyang views the forthcoming annual military exercises between the United States and South Korea as a wargame.
To satisfy the demands of the enlarged and strengthened frontline military forces, Kim mentioned a “important goal to dramatically increase” missile production capacity, according to KCNA.
“The development of the munitions industry determines the quality levels of war preparations, and the factory has a tremendous responsibility in accelerating our military’s war preparations,” he was reported as saying.
According to KCNA, Kim visited more sites where he tested out a brand-new utility combat armoured vehicle and commended recent developments in the modernization of production lines for large-caliber multiple rocket launcher rounds.
To bolster frontline artillery units, he said, there was a “very urgent need” to “exponentially increase” the manufacturing of these missiles.
So that the adversary does not dare to employ force and would be wiped out if it does, our army must comprehensively ensure overwhelming military might and strong readiness to handle any conflict at any moment, Kim said.
In order to strengthen their capacity to respond to North Korea’s growing nuclear and missile threats, South Korea and the United States announced on Monday that they would conduct the Ulchi Freedom Guardian summer exercises from August 21 to August 31.
According to South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), this year’s exercises will be the “largest scale ever,” employing tens of thousands of soldiers from both sides as well as some U.N. Command members for roughly 30 field training sessions.
In order to respond to the escalating military threat from North Korea, the exercises are a crucial component of maintaining a strong combined defence posture in case of emergency, Col. Lee Sung-jun, a spokesman for JCS, said during a briefing.
The US claims that North Korea supplied Russia with weaponry for its conflict in Ukraine, including artillery shells, shoulder-fired rockets, and missiles.
Russia and North Korea have denied engaging in any arms deals.


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