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HomeLATEST NEWSElderly Couple Dies After Eating Poisonous Pufferfish In Malaysia

Elderly Couple Dies After Eating Poisonous Pufferfish In Malaysia

Elderly Couple Dies After Eating Poisonous Pufferfish In Malaysia

An elderly couple died after frying and eating poisonous pufferfish for lunch in Malaysia.

Ng Chuan Sing and his wife Lim Siew Guan, who were both in their early 80s, inadvertently bought at least two poisonous pufferfish online on March 25, according to authorities in the southern state of Johor.

Ms Guan, 83, began to experience ‘breathing difficulties and shivers’ on the same day that she had fried the pufferfish, while her husband started to show similar symptoms an hour after eating the meal.

Tragically, after both were rushed to intensive care, Ms Guan was pronounced dead at 7pm local time, CNN reports.

Her husband, Mr Sing, 84, fell into a coma for eight days before he died on Saturday morning after his condition deteriorated.

The couple’s daughter, Ng Ai Lee, demanded accountability for her parents’ death as she held a press conference outside their home on Sunday before their funeral.

‘Those responsible for their deaths should be held accountable under the law and I hope the authorities will speed up investigations,’ she said.

‘I also hope the Malaysian government will beef up enforcement and help to raise public awareness on pufferfish poisoning to prevent such incidents from happening again.’





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